đ€ ChatGPT fick nĂ€stan alla rĂ€tt pĂ„ högskoleprovet
Warp News har testat hur ChatGPT klarar högskoleprovet frÄn hösten 2022.
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Warp News har testat hur ChatGPT klarar svensk ordförstÄelse, lÀsförstÄelse, meningskomplettering och engelsk lÀsförstÄelse pÄ högskoleprovet frÄn hösten 2022.
Det utgör provdelar 2 och 5. De andra delarna innehÄller bilder, som ChatGPT inte kan se.
Av de totalt 80 frÄgorna svarade ChatGPT rÀtt pÄ 73.
Om chatbotten klarat samma nivÄ pÄ övriga testet hade det motsvarat ett resultat pÄ cirka 1,8-1,9 av maximalt 2,0.
ChatGPT hade 20 av 20 rÀtt pÄ ordförstÄelse. Ett exempel:

Den svarade bland annat fel pÄ en frÄga inom engelsk lÀsförstÄelse.
Research over the past 20 years has finally begun to provide at least a partial explanation for why we must sleep. The clearest finding is that sleep does not serve just a single purpose. Instead it appears to be needed for the optimal functioning of a multitude of biological processes â from the inner workings of the immune system to proper hormonal balance, to emotional and psychiatric health, to learning and memory, to the clearance of toxins from the brain. At the same time, none of these functions fails completely in the absence of sleep. In general, sleep seems to enhance the performance of these systems instead of being absolutely necessary. And yet anyone who lives for months without sleep will die.
Question 38. What is implied here?
A Staying awake for a long time will lead to a collapse of your immune system.
B There is still no satisfactory account of why sleep is necessary for humans to survive.
C Lack of sleep is fatal mainly due to the accumulation of poisonous substances in your brain.
D Â Clearly most people do not sleep as much as they should in order to function optimally.
ChatGPT svarade C, nÀr rÀtt svar var B.
Den svarade fel pÄ frÄga 20 och 38 i del 2 och 19, 20, 29, 38 och 40 i del 5.
Den klarade alla meningskompletteringar, utom en. HÀr Àr ett av de rÀtta svaren.

Mathias Sundin
Chefredaktör, Warp News